To adapt
Legally adapt each type of company to its tax regime.
Compliance with the preparation and presentation of all tax obligations in a timely manner.
Obtain tax improvements for your Company or SME

Tax study and optimization
- Review of previous exercises.
- Study of the tax repercussions on your company with the aim of minimizing tax burdens, eliminating contingencies and preparing improvement proposals, within the framework of legality.

Tax representation and document processing
- Assistance, representation and defense before the different Tax Administrations, due to requests, requirements and inspections.
- Preparation, review and presentation of writings addressed to the Tax Agencies, City Councils…

Tax settlement – tax management
- Declaration of personal income tax withholdings (payroll, professionals, property leasing, capital gains).
- IGIC/IVA declaration. Direct estimation regime and singular objective estimation (IGIC/IVA modules).
- Fractional payments for performance of economic activities. Direct and objective estimation regime (IRPF modules).
- Fractional payments of Corporate Tax.
- Declaration of intra-community operations.
- Annual declaration of operations with third parties.
- Income and Wealth Tax.
- Corporate tax.
- Tax on Economic Activities.
- Settlement of the Tax on Property Transfers and Documented Legal Acts (ITP and AJD).
- Inheritance and Donation Tax –
- Plusvalía Municipalities (IMIVTNU).
Once presented,
We can help you?
You can contact us so that together we can find the best solution for your needs.